NOTE: This text was originally uploaded in 2017 on my PNT hike. Lightly edited for typos.
Republic is a great trail town in the middle of a not terribly interesting section. The McRae family has been extremely generous in opening their home to us hikers, and I’m writing this lounging on their couch.
The past section really has felt like 3 sections. Metaline Falls to Northport, Northport to Orient, Orient to Republic.
Heading out of Metaline Falls, Mary, a member of the PNTA board and amazing trail angel gave Batman, Canyon and I a ride up the paved road to the base of the road going up Abrocrombie mountain. We did some night hiking, and I made it up to a saddle at 6800 ft, making 4300′ ft in 9 miles before midnight.
I made it to the summit at 8:30 in the morning, and found all the valleys filled with smoke, and the views were lacking. However, there was a great chair made of stone overlooking the smoke that made a nice spot to relax. Easy walking down the mountain, and I found a ride around 17 miles of paved roads into Northport from a couple that maintains a campsite at the base of Abrocrombie.
Northport has certainly seem better days, but I made it in time for Taco Tuesday at Kuks tavern (open since 1888), and camped on the lawn of the fire station. I didn’t end up getting out of town until 7 PM due to the heat, and did some more night hiking, and saw the first herd of cattle of the hike. We found a flat spot on the side of the road after some more night hiking, and could hear herds of cows walking down the road in the morning.
20 more miles of roads into Orient, mostly without any views. I did spot 2 juvenile cougars on the road just before the Kettle river which was the highlight of the day, before they slunk off the road. We camped on the lawn of the town park, and met a great couple who runs the Orient general store, and they even took our photo for the hiker book.
We had lunch at a great restaurant just outside of town, and managed to make it out around noon. As usual for this section, more roads all day. We took a nap along a stream, and I made it to a nice campsite about 18 miles outside of town around 11:30, enjoying the cool air of night hiking.
Yesterday, I saw my first trail in a long long time. After 8 miles of road, of course. We made it to the Kettle Crest trail! It was hot hot hot, did a 1000 ft climb up Copper Butte in 1 mile at 2:30 in the afternoon. A few smaller climbs along the ridge, though the views were covered by the smoke. Again, more night hiking making it to Sherman pass around 9:40. We got a ride into town from Batman, who is house sitting for the McRae’s.
Next stop is Oroville, the launching point of the Pasayten Wilderness. However, the fires, while not currently threatening the trail, have degraded air quality significantly. We shall see what the situation looks like when I get to Oroville.
On the bridge over the Columbia River.
400 miles! In true PNT fashion, there were two different 400 makers. Choose your own adventure, indeed.
The view looking off Abrocrombie mountain, full of haze.